Spanish Pieces of Eight
“Glaze’s feeling for maritime adventures and beauty is inviting”; “puzzles, mysteries, a touch of suspense, and sea breezes. As a thriller, it’s an enticing tour of a region the author knows well.”—BookLife Reviews, Publisher’s Weekly.
“In terms of writing, the real stars for me are the British Virgin Islands themselves. Lovingly and lavishly described, there’s no doubt Rick Glaze… has a real affection for these small gems of the Caribbean. Anyone who has been there will recognize them intimately. Anyone who hasn’t will likely want to go.” —Caribbean Compass magazine.
From the grave Richard Dennison catapults his squabbling four children into a hunt for a vast treasure-trove of Spanish gold and silver coins. Can they discover a fortune or do the clues evade them and the prize lost forever? The Silicon Valley marketing wiz and worldwide sailor dies hours before he is set to undo a complicated and family-busting competition for a vast treasure trove of Spanish gold and silver in the British Virgin Islands. Spoiled and self-centered, his children try to unwind the clues to the proverbial “pot of gold.” The family lawyer, Bill Price, acquired Richard’s diary only to page through it every evening providing the complete backstory of Richard’s life….and the key to the treasure. Action, adventure, family strife, Caribbean wonderland, plenty of gold and silver, and characters you can sink your teeth into!